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Nan Thailand

Nan 是我在泰国最喜欢的地方之一,如果不是我最喜欢的话! Nan 真的看起来像是属于故事书。

他们说楠府就是 20 年前清迈的样子,那时游客还没有占领这片微笑之地。我强烈推荐泰国北部历史悠久的难府。古老的建筑,历史悠久的古庙。

事实上,直到 19 世纪,楠府都是一个独立的国家30 年代,由于最后一位南王在没有王位继承人的情况下去世,难府成为暹罗(泰国)的一部分。


我强烈建议您观看我的 YouTube 视频,因为您会更好地了解这个地方和您应该看到的东西。


Wat Phaya Phu 是一座金光闪闪的金庙。



Wat Phrathat Chae Haeng 寺庆祝中国兔年,所以您会看到很多兔子(不是真的兔子)。

Wat Phrathat Chang Kham Worawihan 寺位于楠府的黄金交界处,在夜间灯火通明的情况下看起来非常华丽。我们英国人应该记住,在泰国,你可以在红灯时左转。忘记了也不用担心,身后的人会提醒你的。周末夜市就在路口这里;您不妨检查一下。

Wat Phumin 是泰国著名的一座寺庙,因为一幅看起来非常浪漫的画作是

必看。 F或者情侣,像这样的画在寺庙里并不常见。似乎是一个男人在窃窃私语


他旁边一位女士的声音,传说他正在低声说“Pom Rak Khun”,意思是“我爱你”。





Wat Rong Khun,更广为人知的名字是白庙,非常华丽。


我喜欢 Nan 的另一件事是古老的传统建筑,即使在市中心,也都是


甚至 7-11 也不使用其鲜艳的颜色!是木头还是什么都不是,好吧!








你也应该尝尝楠府的食物;泰国北部的食物与该国其他地方的泰国食物不同,但非常美味!两者都很好。如果你认为泰式炒河粉和绿咖喱是泰国菜,那么,我的朋友,你在泰国有很多食物要检查,而在泰国北部,你有更多的食物要检查。我强烈推荐Khao Soi Curry,它就像用姜黄、大蒜、泡菜和香料做成的美味咖喱;说“米丝刺”,因为没有辣椒。现在才写这个,让我流口水! Khao Soi Curry在泰国北部以及老挝和缅甸都很受欢迎,所以您可以通过美食体验多种文化!


说到吃喝,晚上去Pha Sing; Pha Sing Street有一家很休闲的英式酒吧餐厅Come on Bar;去看看;这是一个非常好的地方,有美味的食物和热情的款待。我喜欢那里。

我应该住在哪里?这很简单!我们住在我认为我住过的最好的地方,Baan Baan Nan Nan 图书馆和宾馆。我不会太具体地说明通常可以住的地方,因为人们的口味各不相同,但如果有一个地方我很喜欢,我会分享。这绝对是一个。这确实是一栋老式建筑,客房下方设有咖啡厅和图书馆,提供非常好的咖啡和书籍。我来的时候说的是“nice shop”,但那位女士以为我说的是“mi chop”,意思是“不喜欢”。那是一个大错误,因为那与我的感受完全相反!我喜欢这个地方!因为它看起来像童话书的场景。美得令人难以置信,景色优美,气氛轻松。我觉得自己像阿拉丁在顶端。入住这家旅馆,感受楠府的完整体验,其令人印象深刻的室内设计和装潢与自然和古城融为一体。

看看我为这间客房制作的 YouTube 视频,您就会明白我的意思了!

Wat Phaya Phu is a golden temple that is extremely extravagant.

As you explore the temple's stunning interior, you will be treated to a display of artwork that tells the story of Nan's rich history.

From depictions of the invasion of Nan to the devastating floods and the subsequent rebuilding of the town, each element of the artwork is beautifully executed, transporting you back in time.

Wat Phaya Phu Golden temple Nan Thailand

Wat Phumin

Known for this painting mostly, which is believed to be a romantic gesture - not your typical temple stuff. Its a romantic place couple come to, to take a selfie with this painting.


The painting shows a guy whispering into a lady's ear, and the story goes that he's saying "Pom Rak Khun," which means "I love you." But some people think he's reciting a poem or expressing love for the world - who knows?


Anyway, regardless of what the guy's saying, the painting is just beautiful and leaves an impression. Shirts outside of the temple are sold with this picture on, me and my wife have one- you can go all Asian and have matching shirts!

Wat Phumin painting Nan

The history of Nan absolutely fascinates me the history of Nan, you can learn about it all in the national museum. Housed in a striking yellow building, the museum features an impressive collection of historic artefacts.. One particularly noteworthy exhibit is the black elephant tusk, which was exclusively owned by the King of Nan, similar to the Stone of Scone in Scotland or the Crown Jewels of Britain.

Nan was independent once but is now part of Thailand.

So, if you're eager to learn more about the fascinating history of this region, be sure to stop by the National Museum in Nan.

Nan national museum Thailand

The ancient city walls of Nan, standing resilient through centuries, are a symbol of the region's rich history. These walls, which have seen the rise and fall of dynasties, now serve as silent storytellers to joggers and visitors alike. Yes, you can jog along these historic walls. The walls of Nan thus stand not merely as a boundary of stone but as a living monument to human resilience and the timeless continuity of civilization. That is why I like a good wall anyway.


Wat Yai Chai Mongkhon

One of the most remarkable sights in Ayutthaya is the temple of Wat Lokayasutharam, which was founded by King U-Thong in 1357. The temple is famous for its enormous reclining Buddha statue called Phra Buddha Saiyart, which measures 7 meters in height and 37 meters in length. Some superstitious visitors believe that placing a coin on the feet of the Buddha will bring them good fortune and blessings. A visit to this temple is a must for anyone who wants to experience the beauty and tranquillity of Ayutthaya's ancient temples.

Wat Rong Khun Nan Thailand

Nan is special because of its traditional architecture. Many buildings in the town centre are made entirely of wood. Even modern convenience stores like 7-11 have adapted their design to fit in with the town. They have ditched their usual brightly coloured banner for more subtle, wooden designs. This commitment to preserving traditional architecture is what makes Nan so authentically beautiful. I really hope that the town continues to maintain this character for years to come.


I really enjoyed trying out the local food in Nan. The Northern Thai cuisine is so flavorful and diverse. One dish I loved was the Khao Soi Curry, which is a delicious mix of turmeric, garlic, pickle, and spices. If you prefer less spice, you can ask for it "Mi Si Prick." They will probably ignore you anyway but its worth a shot.The Northern Thai sausage was also amazing, packed with flavours of pork, chiles, ginger, and lemongrass. The food is influenced by neighboring countries like Laos and Myanmar, so it's a great fusion of cultures. I also had a great time at Come on Bar in Pha Sing. The food was great, and the atmosphere was really nice.

Thai Cuisine

Where to stay in Nan? Look no further than Baan Baan Nan Nan Library and Guest House! This place stole my heart - it's easily the best accommodation I've ever had. I typically avoid recommending specific lodging since everyone has different preferences, but when I come across a gem like this, I just have to share it.

The guest house is housed in a charming old-style building that includes a café and library on the ground floor, serving delicious coffee and offering a great selection of books. I was struck by the picturesque setting reminiscent of a fairy tale, with stunning views and a tranquil atmosphere. I felt like I was in the film "Aladdin".


If you want a glimpse of what awaits you at Baan Baan Nan Nan Library and Guest House, check out my YouTube video.

Baan Baan Nan Nan Library Guest House Nan Thailand
Baan Baan Nan Nan Library Guest House Nan Thailand
Guest House Nan Thailand
Baan Baan Nan Nan Library Guest House Nan Thailand

Even more to do!


Wat Phumin - This temple is famous for its beautiful murals that depict the daily life of the locals in Nan.

Bo Kluea - A small village located in the mountains of Nan province, famous for its salt wells, which have been in operation for hundreds of years.

Doi Phu Kha National Park - A beautiful national park in Nan province that features lush forests, waterfalls, and scenic views.

Nan Riverside Art Gallery - A gallery showcasing the works of local artists, including paintings, sculptures, and other forms of art.

Ban Nong Bua Cultural Village - A village that offers visitors a glimpse into the traditional way of life of the locals in Nan, with demonstrations of weaving, cooking, and other crafts.

南府是泰国北部一座令人惊叹的历史名城。通过 You Know Thailand 探索难府的最佳酒店、航班和活动。通过我们的内幕消息、独家优惠和个性化推荐计划您的梦想假期。现在就在这里一个地方浏览所有主要比较网站来预订您的旅行,开始探索泰国的美丽。


12Go 是下面网站小部件的名称,非常适合预订公共交通工具




老城区 - 这一地区被古城墙和护城河所环绕,是清迈的文化中心。它到处都是历史悠久的寺庙、市场和餐馆。

Nimmanhaemin Road - 简称 Nimman,这个时尚的区域深受当地年轻人和游客的喜爱。这里到处都是精品店、咖啡馆和画廊,如果您喜欢艺术和文化,这里将是您的理想下榻之地。

夜市 - 这个地区非常适合购物者,因为它是清迈最大的夜市之一。它也靠近许多受欢迎的寺庙和文化景点。

河滨 - 如果您正在寻找更加宁静和风景优美的住宿,河滨地区是一个不错的选择。它享有河流的美景,是许多豪华酒店和度假村的所在地。

湄林 - 湄林距离市中心约 30 分钟路程,是一个非常适合户外运动爱好者的乡村地区。这里有数个大象保护区、瀑布和远足小径。


White Room
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