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东南 岛屿
13天 - 20天游

Sunset and Palm Trees


选项(Koh Larn)







Driving yourself: This is the most independent and adventurous way to travel in the Southeast of Thailand. If you're planning to explore the region on your own, driving can be a great option. Here's some information to help you plan your trip:

It's important to keep in mind that many people in Thailand do not have a driver's license. In particular, moped drivers are often dangerous and reckless on the road. While not all drivers are like this, many of them drive on the wrong side of the road, undercutting vehicles, and making risky maneuvers. As a driver, it's important to be aware of these risks and take extra precautions when sharing the road with them. Additionally, if a moped driver causes an accident with your vehicle, you may still be held responsible even if it was not your fault.

International Driving Permit: Make sure you have an international driving permit, as it is required for driving in Thailand, you need to apply for this in your home country.

Insurance Coverage: When driving in a foreign country, it's important to have valid insurance coverage. Check with your insurance provider to ensure that your policy covers international travel and driving. If needed, you can also consider purchasing additional insurance coverage from a local provider in Southeast Thailand, this is available with Economy Bookings below.

Road Conditions: The main highways connecting the Southeast of Thailand are generally well-maintained, making the journey relatively comfortable.


Travelling from Bangkok to Pattaya, you take Highway 7

Then the remainder of your trip you just use Highway 3


Now you can follow this guide to the locations but ignore the public transportation stuff.



距离曼谷 2 小时


如果您预订的交通工具会将您带到酒店以外的地点,您将需要乘坐出租车。但是,酒店可能会提供这项服务,通常在下客点可以找到公共交通工具和出租车。我建议下载 Bolt 和/或 Grab 应用程序,它们的功能与 Uber 类似,以防万一。

To travel from Bangkok to Pattaya, you have several options:

By Bus: Buses depart from three major terminals in Bangkok: Sai Tai Mai, Morchit, and Ekkamai. Ekkamai is the most convenient, with buses taking around 2-3 hours to reach Pattaya, costing approximately THB127. Buses from Morchit also take about 3 hours and cost the same.

By Train: There is a morning train leaving Bangkok at 6.55 am, and arriving in Pattaya at 10.34 am. This train offers a budget option, but the journey takes about four hours and isn't particularly scenic.

By Taxi: If you have a lot of luggage or are travelling with a group, consider taking a taxi. Companies like Glassflower and PGS offer comfortable, safe, and reasonably priced rides from Bangkok to Pattaya. Prices vary based on the vehicle size and range from THB2,200 to THB2,530 for the trip, which usually takes around three hours.

From Suvarnabhumi Airport: Bell Travel operates buses from the airport to Pattaya's Northern bus station. Buses run every two hours from 8 am to 6 pm and offer a comfortable journey taking about two hours. Tickets can be purchased on-site for THB272. Nearby, you can also enjoy affordable Thai cuisine at Magic Point.


These transportation options make travelling from Bangkok to Pattaya relatively straightforward, allowing you to choose the one that suits your preferences and schedule.

Use the Asian Public Transportation link below so you can book your transport with ease.

Pattaya is known for seedy nightlife and parties but there is more to the place


For more information on Pattaya, including hotels and tours, click on the link provided below! These links are important because they offer detailed information about the area, including recommended places to stay and things to see.


So, if you prefer to avoid the seedy nightlife, there are other areas in Pattaya where you can stay. Pattaya is really the only place on this trip with seedy nightlife and it's easily avoidable, so don't let it put you off. You could also skip Pattaya altogether and head straight to Koh Larn by going to Pattaya Pier, or if you want to visit other islands you can go straight to Rayong further down the coast.

However, if you love the nightlife, then enjoy Pattaya to the max! Up to you.

Pattaya isn't for everyone but this is the only place on this tour which may require consideration, the rest is easy and you can just book it.

Me and my wife love to go to Pattaya, but we don't go to the seedy nightlife, just the British pubs and the beach, so like I say, it's avoidable.


您必须在 3 个岛屿之间做出选择

或者如果你有时间全部 3!



来这里度过一天或度过 2 晚

The cheapest and maybe the best way is to get a 30-40 minute ferry from Bali Hai Pier or Walking Street Pier, this is better to buy when you get there!

Alternatively, you can opt for a faster but pricier speedboat in the link.

Or consider joining a tour from Pattaya for a hassle-free experience.

More details are available on the Koh Larn page

前往芭堤雅码头前往Koh Larn

出租车是一个很好的方式,让你的酒店给你打电话 一。

如果你是驾驶, 你可以停在 码头。


Pattaya sign_edited.jpg

Koh Larn 是位于泰国芭堤雅海岸附近的一个小岛。这是一个受欢迎的旅游目的地,以其迷人的海滩、清澈的海水和轻松的氛围而闻名。游客可以享受游泳、日光浴、浮潜以及探索岛上的小村庄和寺庙等活动

单击下面了解更多关于 Koh Larn 的信息,包括酒店和 游览!


Rayong is a province in eastern Thailand known for its beaches and seafood. It's a popular destination for locals and tourists alike. Rayong is also a hub for the petrochemical industry, which contributes to its economic development and environmental challenges, people mostly come here for the island of Koh Samet

You only have two options here


Taxi: The easiest way to travel, allowing for customization and route flexibility.

Vans: Comparable to a taxi in travel time but more budget-friendly.

Book online in advance below.

来这里度过一天或度过 2 晚


在这里度过 2-3 晚

从芭堤雅到罗勇码头 2 小时

船可在 the 码头和下面的小部件。


Paddling in the Sea


单击下面了解有关沙美岛的更多信息,包括酒店和 游览!



距罗勇 1 小时 40 分钟  
在这里住了 2 晚



Chao Lao Beach Sunset


Chanthaburi 是离 Chao Lao 不远的城市,有一座非常令人印象深刻的大教堂,叫做“圣母无原罪大教堂”。


这里有很多事情要做,例如国家公园等。一个 Chantaboon 海滨社区,他们的老城区。一个海事博物馆和一个卧佛 探索老城区后,我们去了郑信王的神社和尖竹汶府的城柱。


我在 YouTube 视频中讨论了该位置的历史。 

Chanthaburi Cathedral


在这里住 2 或 3 晚

Unfortunately, not much public transport is available in the area, so it's not easy to take a break from Koh Samet and Koh Chang without stopping as if you were in a car.

You have quite a journey ahead of you between Koh Samet and Koh Chang — about 5 hours, some on the ferry then by van, and then another ferry—but it's worth it! Use the link for details.

象岛是位于泰国湾的一个岛屿,以其茂密的丛林、白色的沙滩和珊瑚礁而闻名。它是 Mu Koh Chang 国家公园的一部分,是游泳、浮潜和徒步旅行等活动的热门旅游目的地



Trat is a province in the eastern part of the country, bordering Cambodia in the Gulf of Thailand. Trat has a rich history and culture, with many temples, markets, and festivals to explore. There is an airport here that can take you to Bangkok.

The same transport companies listed in the link below for Koh Chang to Trat can take you to Cambodia to get your visa stamped in order to stay in Thailand longer if you wish. They can also take you directly to your hotel in Trat and the airport. So they can do all that. Have a look.

You should look at spending a night in Trat before heading back to Bangkok; it's a nice area.


Bangkok - Trat:

Flying is the quickest option, but it will cost you. The flight is just about 165 miles (265 km) long.

Bus: This is a less expensive option, but it takes longer. Expect to be on the road for 4 to 6 hours, traffic can be unpredictable.

Van: If you don't mind sharing, this is a decent speed-price compromise. It is usually less expensive than using a taxi.

Taxi: The most expensive mode of transportation, but also the most comfortable. You are also free to go whenever you choose.

Buses run every 22 minutes from 4:00 to 18:30.
There are typically two flights per day.
Taxis are always readily accessible.

Fly if you need to get somewhere quickly, but expect to pay more.


See all flights available



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